Originally Posted by Russell Ashley
"Wouldn't it have been cheaper (not to mention a helluva lot faster) to have searched for a big window cab that only needed the typical cab corners?"
Dan, around here a BBW cab that only needs cab corners will be attached to the rest of the truck and the price will be $20K or more.
Yeah, I suppose everywhere ISN'T like the Southwest. My point wasn't to criticize. I too admire the chutzpah to take on a near-total disassembly of a cab like that. But I know other in the future read these threads and should know (If they're out here I suppose) that big window cabs are still available; though admittedly getting more rare.
To the OP, absolutely NO offense intended. I will not speak ill of the hugely talented individuals like you and Bam that LIKE to take on these huge challenges!
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