Tilt column by sub model?????
Greetings. In doing some research to upgrade my truck to a tilt column, I came across a thread on another board that warned about making sure the tilt was designed for the specific sub model that was going to receive the upgrade. The guy mentioned that he had a Sierra and the tilt column from a Silverado did not work. In all other research I've done, I have not found any other mention of this type of problem.
Has anyone run into this issue? I've got an '80 Scottsdale. The only thing on the column is the turn indicator, the hazard button and the shift lever (auto). I want to add the tilt, but don't want wipers or cruise or anything else - just keep it simple.
Has anyone run into this problem or will any style of tilt from 73-87 fit? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.