Hats off to the guys at Universal Automotive in Concord, NC. I've had a bad high speed vibration in my 82 SWB since I bought the truck off Craigslist 4 years ago. Prior owner did a static drop by relocating the spring perches in the back but never finished out the truck. Once I get to 60mph and past 65mph it droned and vibrated the floor on deceleration. I rarely get out on the highway so I've never put alot of effort into resolving the problem. Looked at every post on the forum and was about to order new wheels and tires. Pinion angle was within 4 degrees. Yesterday I had some time in the afternoon to run up to Universal Automotive and explain to them what was going on. We put the truck on the lift and found the drive shaft was 1-1/2" too short (custom shaft from the first build). As a result it wore out the bushing and seal in the tailshaft of the trans, grooved the slip yoke, was failing the u-joints and wore out the saddles in the yoke on the diff. Some of this was no doubt just age of the truck but within 90 minutes these guys had fabbed out a new steel drive shaft and replaced everything between the trans and the diff! They had all the loose parts on the shelf. First time in owning the truck that I could jump into the hammer lane on the interstate and pass at will. Smooooooooth right through acceleration and deceleration at any speed. Truck can definately haul *ss now.
Many thanks to the guys at Universal Automotive in Concord, NC