Re: OUCH! Really bad wreck.
That truck could be rebuilt very easily. A lot of rust ones out there need donor cabs or as much of the cab as that one does. And one poster said that the motor was bad from the wreck and transfer case would be too I will call BS on that one .Drive train parts are almost note I do say alomost good when removed from a wreck. How many times have you or somebody you know had a truck you know of get wrecked while sitting in a shop somewhere being worked on cause it did not run right.Or how many time do you think about getting a new truck seconds before impact of an accident? Those things just dont happen and for the most part people are happy with their ride when they lose them due to a wreck. I have had only a very small number of drivetrain troubles from vehichles bought for me to fix for salvage or for resale and I have been in the business since 1987[ wow, where did time go?] I said all of that to say this I would really like to have that truck for that money if I had a way to get it to AR for a reasonable price, I could fix it, it just would have to wait in line behind like 3 other old trucks