bed wood, driving w/o fenders
I have my bed off to replace the wood and repair the cross supports. Old bed floor was a piece of 3/4" 4' wide plywood with the skid strips screwed on top. The whole bed was loose for many years, and busted up some of the mounting plates on the cross supports. It will take me a while to get the cross supports repaired/replaced, and in the meantime I want to keep driving it. I have the rear lights and bumper installed, but I'm wondering if I'll get a ticket for not having fenders? Anyone know Cali law on this? Would some tempy mudflaps make it legal?
I'm putting plywood back in, (because I use my truck like a truck, and because I refuse to shell out $700 for Laotian rainforest mahogany or solid gold, or whatever the hell $700 bed wood is made of,) and will cut slots in it so the skid strips sit level - but how wide should the plywood be? 4' seems about an inch or two short.
Also, while rewiring up the lights, I found out my turn signal switch was bad and bought a replacement from Oreilly's: BWD p/n S3237. DO NOT BUY THIS SWITCH OR YOU WILL BE SORRY. The metal pivot pin (or whatever it's called,) was too big and had to be filed down, the slot for the turn switch lever was too small and had to be opened up, and the connecter uses a crappy adapter to mate it with the half moon connecter in the truck. A true piece of dook. You have been warned!