What's the difference?
Okay so I know there is a difference between a 67/68 core support and a 69/70 and how the fenders from a 67/68 won't work on a 69/70 core, but what is the actual difference between the core supports?
Reason I ask is because I'm putting a 67 front clip on my 69 and I won't be using a core support. The radiator will stand alone and the clip will tilt forward. But before I get to that stage, I'd like to at least put the fenders and grille on as a mock up, but I can't do that w/out a 67/68 core support.
So basically what I'm asking is if there is a way I could somehow bolt the 67 fenders to the 69 core support if possible at all, even if it's just one bolt per fender? Mind you this would just be for a mock up for the actual design of the tilt so I can take measurements.