Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter
Not much. I'm waiting until Tuesday for my tie rod ends and adjuster sleeves to arrive. After that, along with installing the front brake hoses, the front end of the truck will be completely finished.
At that point, it's time to start swapping the rearend and the bell housing. At the pace I'm working, that will probably take about a month. After that though, the truck will be on the road and running. Then it will be a matter of addressing the interior and paint and body. I'm having a hard time keeping a steady course though since that 4wd is calling to me every time I see it.
Damn, why didn't I know about that ? That is so simple I never even thought about it. I sure wish I'd have kept the band clamp for future service so I could separate the system for ease of removal. Lesson learned. You can rest assured I won't forget that trick.
I can relate to the trucks calling to you, that's for sure! Unfortunately, mine knows how to call international long distance! Keep prodding along, you'll start on the 4WD before too long.
I've never heard of that foil trick, but it makes sense. I'll have to file that one away as well. That's my number one pet peeve, a leaking exhaust.