Thornbirds or Thorntirds??
I have been searching for a set of 35'' mud tires for a while now to put on my 85 short bed and was going to settle on getting a set of Trxus mt's. But, the other day I found out that you could buy blemished tires from Interco directly and the only full set of tires they had were a set of 35'' Thornbirds. I've read many reviews on these tires and basically 90% of them say they flat out suck, and some say they are great tires. Should I just wait for a full set of blemished Trxus mt's to be produced or should I go ahead and get the Thornbirds. I like the looks of them and I plan on driving on them around 75 miles a week on the highway and occasionally go mudding and get to a few fishing spots. Yes, I know Swampers aren't going to hold up well on the highway, but Im going to get them anyway lol. Also, If you have Thornbirds on your truck I'd appreciate it if you would post a pic of it with them on.