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Old 07-18-2014, 12:19 AM   #1
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Taylorsville, UT
Posts: 12
New From Salt Lake City, UT

this is meant to be played as you read the BIO, lol!

Hows everybody doin' today!!! My Name Is Jed, 26 years old, work as a tech at a Subaru dealer currently (Subarus are junk, dont buy one!) and have been in love with my truck since waaayyy before I could drive, Pictured below.

It all started when I was . . . well I dont even know how old I was but as long as I can remember, I would always go over to my uncles home and walk past it to enter the house in amazement in how (in my eyes) badass this truck was. Every time I would walk past I would tell my mom that I want this truck and wouldn't let up, I would always ask my uncle as well, and ramble on about it and ask what type of gas he put in it, and the would always tell me "Rocket Fuel" which at the age I was, I thought he was serious.

My uncle picked it up in 78' with a blown engine, he traded another uncle of mine a vehicle to rebuild the engine, with a couple power adders to make this beast daily driveable and still every day reliable, well my uncle came through and added high compression pistons and an RV cam.

Because I pretty much love anything that Runs on some type of gasoline (picture Tim Allen from tool time saying that, with the grunts afterwards) I Would ask the octane, to which he would reply some insanely large number ending with a decimal and some other fabricated number, Probably 1,343,246.87 or somewhere around there.

Well time went on and I never lost interest, but family issues with my Uncle and his wife caused a divorce, but luckily he was able to keep the truck! I was stoked to hear this, as I had heard all about women taking prized possessions just out of spite. But due to this fact my uncle wasnt in the best of spirits, ended up getting another vehicle, an old ford of some sort, and letting this sit. shortly after this happened, my grandpa, his dad would pass away due to cancer, which was even tougher on him, and he kind of went into one of those funks.

Since the truck was sitting and he wasnt using it, he lent it to a friend, for what to me seemed like . . . an eternity. the guy probably had it a year or so, never took care of it, never paid my uncle a dime for letting him use it, and basically kept it from him. Well, after that extended period, my uncle had had enough, and decided to repossess it. when he got it back, it would barely run, the paint was just wore out, and it had this stupid redneck sticker on the rear bumper, left hand side.

He stored the truck at my grandmothers house, where I happened to be living at the time, and when I seen the shape it was in, I just couldnt take it. So I decided I would clean it up the best I could. (picture a probably 11 year old kid, that since his mother always drove a manual would always pay close attention to the way she would clutch, brake, gas and shift to teach himself to drive manual, pulling out this Giant 72' Cheyenne out of the garage and onto the lawn, Grinning from ear to ear hearing the sound of that Small Block 350 fire up with 2 pumps of the throttle and a kiss of the key)

pulled the truck out, scraped off that horrible Redneck sticker, which took me about an hour, since i didnt know what the hell i was doing and probably using a butter knife. washed it to the best of my ability and tire shined it up.

Well I was so excited to show my uncle how well I thought I had done I told my grandma to ring him up right away, he headed over and he didnt show it, but I really think he was surprised that I still wanted to show the truck the respect it deserved. Well time went on, and my uncle who also happened to be an alcoholic, fell into even more issues, when his kids started going down a bad road into drugs, and finding out one of them were gay (no offense intended) and he had no control over it, and couldnt help them with any of their problems.

He ended up getting Pancreatitis, and since he couldnt stop drinking he moved into my grandmas house where she urged him to stop and even got him to go to AA/Rebah. well that worked for a bit, and while he was there, I was now probably 15 at the time he had a Chevy tahoe that he drove over at my grandmothers that was in pretty bad shape inside and out. I wanted to show him that someone in his life cared about him, so i thought i would do the same thing to his tahoe that i did with the Cheyenne. So I cleaned it up nice, vacuumed and wiped it down, and washed the exterior pretty well.

This is where I really got his attention, since when he came back from his AA/Rehab he was at for about 2 weeks, He couldnt stop thanking me for the work, we talked for a bit, and once again, I brought up the Cheyenne and how I wondered how it was, and that I hadnt seen it in a while. He told me it was alright, but could definitely be better, and I remember this clear as day and he said "You know Jed, you keep your nose clean, I just might give it to you one day"

When I heard this, I nearly **** my pants, I was so excited I couldnt contain myself, I was as happy as could be. But, as my luck would have it, this day would never be. About a month later my uncle had moved back into his apartment and dealing with more issues, started drinking again. He decided that one day he would take the truck up to our property after a day of drinking and while up there, drove the side of it into a fence, which when I seen this I was sooo disappointed and couldnt believe he could take something he cared about, and do this to it!

since the alcohol would always upset his pancreas, and my guess is he couldnt take it anymore, my uncle decided for whatever stupid reason he thought it best to take his own life.

Everybody in my family was devastated. nobody knew why or what drove him to do it, but thats life I guess. upon this happening his ex wife, decided she would ram sack his apartment taking whatever she felt was hers, which included the truck, I was furious! who did this ***** think she was! Come to find out, the next of Kin, which happened to be his kids, were to receive the items in his possession. I was glad to hear this, and at his funeral it would become mentioned that his oldest would take the truck and make sure he cared for it like his dad used to.

This also, as my luck would have it, didnt turn out well, and it got beaten to the ground, Literally. Years down the road I ended up going to Wyotech to pursue my career in the automotive industry, and while I was there, I had a teacher who had a 69' C10 longbed. well talking with him got me motivated to ask my cousin if I could purchase the truck from him. I called him and would talk to him multiple times with him telling me, that He had the truck still but it was in very bad shape, and that he would just give me the truck, but I never seen it.

I graduated wyotech and started working at nissan, worked there for about a year all while still asking my cousin about it, to which he would reply he would give it to me, just had to find the title. Well after about 2 years into my career at nissan, my cousin called out of the blue and said he and his girlfriend broke up and that I could have the truck, if I picked it up at her place, but he said it would need to be towed, I thought "how bad could it be"

Once again, I was thrilled, Called my buddy, and we were off to pick it up!
Well we arrived at her house, and the truck was nowhere in sight, I walked to the door, knocked, she answered and said. its in the backyard, but youll need something to pull it out. this confused me, but I said, no problem.

well I walk around back and my jaw dropped, this truck wasnt anything like i had remembered, It was completely covered in dirt and sunk a foot into the ground. I almost teared up, but then thought, me being where im at now, staring at it knowing it will now be mine, and I can make it all better, my uncle would be proud.

well my buddy grabbed his truck, pulled it out of the ground, and we loaded it up into his trailer.

Took it to my work, at nissan and dumped it off. not knowing the issues I was about to find out I had to deal with.

here it is that night

Well thanks for reading my story, This is a part of my life that is close to my heart and will always remember, and hope I can restore this and make it better than I remember, but now I will add a build thread and show the rest of the progress there.

I will be adding to this story, and filling in spots as there is tons more i remember but wanted to get this post up.

Last edited by TheRegulator; 07-18-2014 at 12:25 AM.
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