Well ordering the parts for my build. Which will begin in a little under a month. I will keep all of you updated on the bumps and owies along the way. This will be my first. More of a swap than a build. I will be replacing the entire wiring harness as well and will be sure to document most everything. HERE is my question. For anyone that has completed a 350 engine, 350 transmission swap on a tri five i will ask this..... Will the 350 bolt up to my existing frame holes or will i need to drill new ones? OR will i need to completely replace the crossmember? IF i have to completely replace the crossmember, will i need a dropped one? Again first swap for me, and if you havent followed my earlier posts a novice in training. You all are my trainers lol. So 350, th350 swap, crossmember, motor mounts, transmission mounts on existing crossmember. Pass me your knowledge.