Will airtex E8012s or E8016s work on a carbureted 350 with a 600 cfm edelbrock carbur
My 81 c10 always smells rich and I could never find the cause. I now know that edelbrock carbs can only handle about 5.5 psi fuel pressure. My stock pump is doing about 7 or 8. I am planning on using airtex part number E8012s which is an electric pump psi range of 5-9. Or part number E8016s which has a range of 2.5-4.5. I know everyone says to stick with mechanical pumps but I've had nothing but problems with mine so I'm switching to one of these. I also know that there are better electric pumps but these have a lifetime warranty at autozone so if they mess up I can just swap it out for free. I plan on using a fuel pressure regulator with either. Will the 2.5-4.5 pump be too low for my 350? Would the 5-9 pump be too much pressure? What pressure is ideal?