If you have bags and a c-notch please step inside
A few questions for you guys. I'm running slam ss7 bags a c-notch and 2" lowering blocks that I made. I plan on running 20" wheels as well.
1. when aired up to ride height how much space is between the axle housing and the bump stop in the notch? I'm thinking I will be around 5" or so, does this seem right?
2. I'm not sure what to do with my drive line angle. If the gap is 5" for drive height the yoke on the rear end is pointed up and the output shaft on the trans is pointing down. Isn't it supposed to be the opposite? A friend of mine has some 2" blocks that are tapered from his lifted truck I could use. Not sure what to do here. I attached a couple pictures to help with what I'm trying to describe. The third picture is the degree of the yoke(pointing up) if I'm at the 5" mark for ride height. Please let me know what you think.
Thank you,