99 K2500 CCSB LY6 Swap
Shortly after buying my truck, I decided that I wanted to swap in a 6.0 I place of my 5.7. So I started doing my research and gathering info. We'll about a month and a half ago I sold my 5.7 and bought a 09 ly6. We'll to my surprise the ly6 is a gen 4 and not as straight foreword of a swap as a gen3. My goal was to save myself the better part of a grand and rework the original 09 harness. This is where the real journey begins. After countless hours of scouring the internet and a couple of dozen donuts to my local GM dealer I have gathered enough info to damn near complete my harness. Also my local truck savage yard manager has been really cool, giving me a extra harness and tcm from a 1500 truck so I could use the trans harness to connect to my original 4l80e.
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