bought a gas milage car , or had one gave to me anyways
just thought id share my days activities with yall , had my ex boss call me up thismorning , he said he had a car for me , i need another like i need a hole in the head,, he told me his wife totalled it yesturday and it quit running ,, so im thinking trashed , well it was a 97 fo#d contour ,,these and most newer cars have an inertia switch that kills the fuel pump when in a crash , it also has a reset button , i walked into the tow shed and hit the reset and drove her home after paying his 35 dollar tow bill , his version of totaled was a cracked windshield and a cracked bumper , thats it, its got a 4banger in it but it runs really good and is a pretty clean little car with a good radio , heater and air consitioning , so i figure what the hay , itll make for a good car to go scrounge up chevy trucks and cars in and go on truck hunting missions without spending a fortune in gass , i know its a for@ but ive only got 35 bucks in it and it runs like a new for@ would be expected to , hehehe,, what the he!! ,, ill do it for a while ,, i did however give my best impersination of the dukes of hazard at my brothers house over a big snow drift in his drive way ,, the dixie horns were playin in my head ,, and e brake donuts are really awsome in a bean stuble field , especially when its covered in snow and you hit a dry spot hahahah