ok i had to tell ya'll about htis one ,, it is a quiznos sub commercial with these little rodent looking things with really messed up teeth ,, i think the one playing the guitar is wearing a pirates hat
they sing about bringing in oil change coupons for a dollar off a sandwich and stuff , well i had to find this commercial on the net , but i couldnt , i did however find the first thing these little critters were in , they sang a song called we like the moon ,the commercial had me laughing so hard i was dang near crying
i have heard people talking about this commercial calling t retarded , but i think they had an excellent idea , that comercial will go down in the books as one of the wierdest ever , and any publicity is ood publicity ,, dang that thing sticks in youre head, the moon song sounds identile to the commercial song besides the words here is a link to it , if anyone finds the commercial please post it here ,, i gotta see it again