Re: got a deer, used my truck
Originally Posted by AirSpeed
After 30 days my ins still hasn't authorized repair! They FINALLY sent an appraiser last Wednesday but he still hasn't turned in his findings. I don't get the hold up! Once it's fixed I'm getting an upgrade in my policy for classic car indurance, allstate has it but won't give me a quote until they get the appraisal. I was told by my agent that the appraiser promised to get it done today, if so I still have to wait another month before the shop gets it done, they haven't even ordered parts yet. the shop wants to use base/clear on the new fender and my door, I used single stage on my truck when I painted it, they're telling me I won't be able to see the difference. They're concerned with warrantee issues, worried if they use single stage it may fall off, I painted my truck five years ago and it's still in great shape so I don't know why they're worried. I think I'll be able to see the difference. Just ranting! I need my damn truck back!
Just reading your thread. Im usually over in the '60 - '66 section. Sorry to hear about your ordeal. Especially the minivan part! I noticed that you mentioned that the body shop is going to spray a 2 stage on the panels that they are fixing. Id maybe ask around about that. Years ago, I bought a '94 Civic for my oldest. When I got it, I noticed that the front fenders and hood had been painted. I thought it was weird that the single stage was on the A pillar back but two stage on the front. Fast forward 6 years. Oldest bought her own car and I drive the Civic to work. The single stage and base coat / clear have aged so differently that I am thinking about stripping the front end and re shooting the whole car in single stage. I see it every time I get in or out of the car and it drives me crazy. Clear coat is peeling and just hasn't held up at all. The original paint is still fine and with a light wax, looks like new. As I think back, there are several cars that we have had that had noticeable differences in paint finishes on repaired panels of the same car. Id be a little skeptical and maybe opt to shoot the repaired panels myself. Im no body guy but it seems like when different paint systems are used, they seem to have different aging / durability characteristics that will show themselves after the warranty on the work runs out. That truck looked to be cherry before the wreck and should be put back together the way you built it and to the same condition. Just my .02. Hope you get it back soon!