I only ask this question because I've read many not so subtle comments in different threads about having a professional or doing yourself.I have done total frame off on a 51 deluxe a 66 chevy panel (except for paint ,i suck at that). I had the good fortune to work for the same company 35 yrs with a wicked good retirement plan.So the brand new 67 c10 I've always wanted is in process , I love working on them but am now unable to because of health . I have seen the comments about replacement body panels . Well after 35 yrs in sheet metal fabrication, metallurgy,and manufacturing engineering.I think I know what to look for in metal parts. The panels that I have had to replace were all thicker gauge than original not much, 18 vs 19/20 (as little as 2/3 yrs ago you could only get in 22 ga) ..The parts do not always fit perfectly, We had laser cnc programmed parts that did not always fit up. I think in a lot of cases new panels and a little fit up outweighs hours of labor at 80$ plus per.. I'm Gonna pay an arm and a leg for my dream truck because of motor,trans, disc brakes ,wiring,new wood bed,bumpers,,etc and leave it for my boys to fight over..

Will my truck be any less a truck if I don't build it ? just something to kick around

You can see the tear down on build thread.......