hydralic clutch problem
my clutch on my 86 k10 quit on me on the way home. Driving down the interstate it all of a sudden acted like it went to neutral. I pulled over and tried shifting between gears. The clutch pedal felt good but No way was the truck going to move. I had it towed home and I checked the fluid reservoir and it was empty. The slave cylinder showed a leak so I replaced it and the clutch master cylinder. I ran 2 small bottles of fluid through it and I worked fine for a few days. Stopped at a signal light it would not move again the clutch felt fine. I pushed it to the side of the road, called triple A and with a 2 hour wait I was mad. after the truck sat for 15 minutes I tried it and it started working again. I got home and it worked for 3 weeks then the same thing all over again. waited 15 minutes and it was fine.
The only thing I can think of is the throw out bearing is hanging up but why? Any one ever had this problem?