Originally Posted by mechanic350
so im prepping to do an AAW install myself. how difficult was it to do. I have been making a custom dash cluster for mine though with some auto meter gages and a new instrument panel. seems to have been a pretty easy install. I am also converting my oil pressure gage over to an electric so no more oil squirting into the cab when i have to take it apart.
The AAW kit was really not bad at all. The hardest part is figuring out what wires you need, and which you don't (I am going LS so I thought ahead to what I might need). Not hard at all. I, 100%, recommend the Delco crimpers. They were extremely easy to use and worked every time. Since I am going to go LS this coming winter, I did a bit of prep work and wrapped the wires that are going to no longer be needed separately for easy removal from the harness without having to unwrap the entire engine harness.