opinions wanted-- new speaker location
okay, i thought that some of you guys might like this. especially the non factory air guys. i had been kicking around in my head, as to what would be a good location to put front speakers. i have always liked the 4 speaker factory type systems, that are in later model cars and trucks. lots of mellow sound without all the panel buzz, of the over powered aftermarket stuff. anyway to keep from going to long, here it goes. i took some measurements and got on a popular internet auction sight and searched for speaker grills. i came across a chinese vendor that sold round speaker grills in various metric sizes. i got on google to convert to the closest non metric size . ( i cant remember the actual millimeter size.) and i ordered these. it took 4 weeks to get them, i think they were about a buck apiece.
i survived cancer and kidney stones, but my kids are killing me.