Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine
He's got an L6. Lots of room for the HEI distributor on a 250. 4WD V8s have the firewall/headroom issue.
I would get the points system going first, before the HEI transplant. I had a Pertronix and after 7 years it would cut out at freeway speeds [+3000 RPM, 60-65 MPH], went back to points for a year, then got HEI. My Autometer tach works just fine with all those systems.
When a member first mentioned the "no room for HEI/tight fit" issue I immediately thought "that guy must be talking about a V8." I didn't correct him then as I really don't want an HEI. I think it looks out of place, that big thing.
I've said the same thing before about other things though and later come to love those very things I was so against. At one time I was dead set against betting my life on a revolver but then I took a job as a motel clerk and only a revolver worked with the uniform. Now I still carry the same revolver in the same holster every time I leave the house. Maybe HEI and I have a similar destiny.
*Thanks for remembering what engine I have. I thought about that in the shower this evening.....I keep thinking everyone knows what engine I have and what I've done to my truck but that's really too much to ask anyone. I don't know what everyone else has in their truck.