19 mm non marring lug nut socket
They do not make them in 3/4". Only 19 mm which is the same size. Why they do not make them in 3/4" I do not know but that is how it is. My question is who makes the best product. I see Titan in the Summit online parts list as well as one listed as the Summit brand. It has a built in extension. If I can't find a better one I will probably buy this one. I see the Titan one in the Amazon site as well. I have never used a non marring socket. I have closed end lug nuts on my '53 Chevy truck and they are longer as well. Has anyone used one of these sockets? If so how well do they work? Is there a better one out there that I need to get instead of the two I mentioned.
1953 Chevy 3 Window Truck 3100 Series