I have not looked this up in any books yet, but I think I found a factory rear sway bar on a 68 P-30.
Some of you may remember this truck from a thread ( ) when I mentioned I had to install a 350 in it verses the original 307.
Any ways, i was under it today fixing the dead fuel guage (shorted wire) and I noticed it has a rear sway bar. (!!!!)
The links where it goes to the frame were rusted out, and I called the head guy at there wearhouse...I left a message asking to pull off the inoperable sway bar in the rear. He follows the train of thought that if it is doing fine without it...don't add it (Or repair it) With anyluck, I'll be able to take it off and mount it onto the Longhorn. (same chassis pretty much)
Pretty sweet huh?