decent manual or electrical 4 way heater bypass valve?
About to embark on the adventure of replacing a leaking heater core on my '86 K5, and thinking this is a good time to also had a heater bypass valve, but I can't use the common shutoff valve that is being used in all the threads I've seen so far while searching.
Reason being that I have a big block that I built and swapped in, deleted the factory bypass hose from water pump to intake manifold, and am now using the heater core circuit + bleed holes in the thermostat for that purpose. Thus I'll need a valve that will continue to circulate coolant when in bypass.
Sure, I could just choose one at random from the auto parts store, Amazon, eBay, etc...but I'd rather not gamble an expensive new engine on random choices, lol. So curious if there are any recommendations for this?