Originally Posted by MikeB
That's pretty clever leaning out the carb to pass emissions.  I recently changed the primary jets and rods on my 1406, and made a note in the back of the user manual showing the parts and the date. Otherwise I'd forget what I did in a few days!
Some guys say Edelbrock carbs suck, but I think they're just fine for a mild engine making at least 18" of idle vacuum. Also, the relatively new AVS2 is getting rave reviews even from Holley guys.
They are also very easy to tune. I ran a 1406 when I lived in the mountains, and got it jetted for 5000-7500 ft elevation using the user manual chart. When I moved back to the lowlands, I spent around 15 minutes re-installing its "as delivered" jets and rods.
Just don't bolt any of them them directly to the manifold, but instead use a wooden or phenolic spacer/insulator to keep the the ethanol in fuel from boiling on very hot days.
Edelbrock #9266

I like the idea of the insulator block. I think the gasoline we can get now has a lower boiling point, and is generally just more volatile (in the original sense of the word--easily evaporated). I have had problems with gas boiling or evaporating quickly on a number of cars. (old ones, of course_