Steering Column/Gear question
Hey everybody,
How's it going? I have a question about my steering column. When I put my 72 C20 in reverse, the shifter drops a tad and doesn't make contact with the backup lights. What might cause this issue? If I hold the shifter in place where the R is on the plastic guide, the backup lights will be on, but if I let go, it drops a little. It's still in reverse and will back up, it's just the slight drop of the shifter I wonder about. Is there something in the column that might be worn making this happen? I've attached a picture of where the indicator sits when I'm not holding up the shift lever. Hopefully, this makes sense? I should mention, when I put the truck in drive, I can lift up on the shifter and it will drop down into the gear per se, not allowing you to bump it out of gear unless you pull back on the lever. Thanks.
 The Dude abides.