Originally posted by wbmorris87
Better do the altenator upgrade while you are in there, you will sure to be popping MODULES if you dont.
I dunno bout that, I just recentlyu upgraded to the int alt, been driving HIE and ext regulater for quite a few years, and never once had to mess witht eh distributor.
I would not bother with a brand new one. They cost alot of money, and you can save about 2/3 of that by getting a late '70's distributor out of a junk yard. Prices range from 10 bucks, to about 60. I would be hard pressed to pay more than 40 myself.
Then clean it, replace the module and coil, get a new cap and rotor, and the aformentioned wires. This set up will more likely than not last just as long as a jegs or summit unit, and if/when you do need parts, you can get parts from any parts store across the nation. just tell them it is off of a '7-what ever Chevy Jalopie SS...or what ever it came from.
Just my opinion.