Re: Help with tail lights
Alright, problem is fixed. After paying way to much attention to the items under the dash, I turned my attention to the rear harness. I was ready to buy a new turn-horn switch, but the time to install down the steering column directed me to other items first. Guess I should have tried this first, but I checked the voltage at the connecter by the rear bumper for each light. Turns, brakes, and running lights all tested good. So the problem must be in the harness. After pulling it off, stripping the loom, and tape, I started checking wires. I found when I grounded to the drivers side light pocket, I got nothing. When I grounded to my new frame ground, all was well. So I ran a new ground to the frame and everything worked properly. Once I put the harness back together, and put the bulbs back in, my drivers side brake, and turn would not work. Pulled the harness back out and found a corroded factory spade connection. Spliced a new wire in, and everything works great. I was very surprised at what symptoms a bad ground can create. Once again, keep it simple and you will usually win!!
Thanks to everyone,
Josh Johnston