Originally Posted by nightmare
Sorry to hear about this. I hope it doesn't cause you more pain to wait.
Anyhow, I can't wait to see the pics of this. I think it will look so cool to have those Hummer rims on there.
I would go with the 700r4 though. JMHO.
I am about 5 days out from surgery and still not sure I am going to be able to get it done, hopefully!! I was into the 5-speed thing, but for ease of installation the 700r4 will fall in and I already have a factory auto colum shifted colum, so it would be easier, but the 5-speed would be more fun in the long run?? Decisions decisions!! I'll keep you guys updated, if the surgery is on then I'll be away for about a 2-3 weeks then I'll be away from the wrenches for at least 8 weeks so the progress will be slower than I would have liked. I wanted it rolling and in the garage before the surgery but, Oh Well!