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Old 06-07-2008, 09:31 AM   #1
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"defective exhaust".


It finally happened. I got pulled over in the ol' girl last night. Ok, so it was technically this morning, around 12:30. I was coming home from a buddy's house, shooting pool, and was almost into town on a little backroad. A cop happened to be sitting there.

I had it in 3rd, and tried to pull the little hill, and it ended up lugging pretty good, which means it basically sounded like a tractor.

So, he pulled out behind me, flipped his lights...yadda yadda. Told me he pulled me over for having a "defective exhaust". Gave me a verbal warning to "get my muffler fixed", and go about my way.

Yup. I know my exhaust isn't the quietest, but it sure isn't the loudest. So, I was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time, and happened to be doing the wrong thing.

Needless to say, my exhaust is already fixed! Since it was never in need of repair, haha.

Oh, for the record, headers into 26" Cherry Bomb glasspacks, with 2 inch pipe exiting in front of the rear wheels on each side. Tell me, whats so defective about that?

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 06-07-2008, 10:00 AM   #2
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Re: "defective exhaust".

He just needed a reason to pull you over to see if you were drinking. Happens all the time.
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Old 06-07-2008, 10:10 AM   #3
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Re: "defective exhaust".

yep, just checking to see if you were drinkin
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Old 06-07-2008, 02:29 PM   #4
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Yep, i've been pulled over for similar "infractions" late at night as well. It was just because I was a young kid and they figured I was up to no good. I've been dinged for tint (windshield... lol), exhaust, and ride height. All just warnings
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'72 C20 SWB convert. 5 lug, LS1/4l60e
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Old 06-07-2008, 02:49 PM   #5
El Jay
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Re: "defective exhaust".

He just needed a reason to check you out/make sure you weren't DWI.

When I worked shift work, after swing shift, I got pulled over a few times because it was after midnight and my DD was a POS.
And the reasons were; no license plate light, hitch ball obstructing the license plate (x2), and the best one was (I don't remember his exact words), essentially my DD didn't "fit" in the neighborhood.
At that time, I was living in sin and my GF's house was in a brand new subdivision.

I never got upset because I realized that they had a job to do and they were doing it.
I'd rather they stopped me and 9 other folks for such chicken shift reasons, just to get the 1 DWI person.

That's my .02.
'69 Chevy 1/2 T LWB Stepper: Daily Beater
'72 GMC 3/4 T Fleet: Another Daily Beater
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Old 06-07-2008, 03:06 PM   #6
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Yup, I totally agree. He has a job to do, just like the rest of us.

I was pulled over before for liscense plate light as well, in my old DD, a '95 Plymouth Acclaim. That went to the point of a sobriety test though...-shrug-. Ah well. Better safe than sorry.

I just found it fairly amusing, because as we were all leaving, I said to my friend, "Time for another round of not-getting-pulled over". Without irony, life would be so dull.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 06-07-2008, 03:24 PM   #7
El Jay
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Originally Posted by samwise68 View Post
Yup, I totally agree. He has a job to do, just like the rest of us.

I was pulled over before for liscense plate light as well, in my old DD, a '95 Plymouth Acclaim. That went to the point of a sobriety test though...-shrug-. Ah well. Better safe than sorry.

I just found it fairly amusing, because as we were all leaving, I said to my friend, "Time for another round of not-getting-pulled over". Without irony, life would be so dull.

I wasn't trying to give you, or anybody else, any grief.
I was just giving my point of view.

As an aside, all those times that I got pulled over, I was WELL into my 40's. So they're not just looking at the young folks.
'69 Chevy 1/2 T LWB Stepper: Daily Beater
'72 GMC 3/4 T Fleet: Another Daily Beater
'72 Plymouth Gran Coupe: ?

"Ah women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." Friedrich Nietzsche

"Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day." Harry S. Truman

GUN CONTROL: Never having to say, "I missed you."

Always fire two warning shots into your attacker's chest area before putting a bullet between his eyes. Paraphrased from Louis Awerbuck
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Old 06-07-2008, 04:17 PM   #8
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Re: "defective exhaust".

No worries man, I appreciate any and all point of views.

The situation honestly didn't even phase me. I just found it highly ironic, and slightly comical. haha

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 06-07-2008, 04:58 PM   #9
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Re: "defective exhaust".

I've been pulled over more than 10 times for similar "equipment violations" knock on wood...
1. No front plate
2. License plate cover
3. Exhaust
4. Blue Dots
5. Headlights are "to blue" says occifer (x2)
6. Rolling stops ( I never stopped for a complete 3 seconds...)
7. Cigar smoking lol...
8. Drinking a Henry Weinhards rootbeer this last summer
9. Speeding
10. Music to loud
like they all said before they have a job to do too... mostly they're looking for warrants and DUI's plus I'm a young guy in a lowered 71... screw it.
1972 K10 4" lift, 35’s, 383 stroker, 700r4, current project.
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Old 06-07-2008, 05:10 PM   #10
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Get inline man, it happens to the best of us. Just ask him next time "Do I smell like alcohol?" and when he says no just say "Good, then the old lady wont know Ive spent all night at the bar."
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Old 06-07-2008, 05:56 PM   #11
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Wow, some of you are really forgiving. I have a problem with my civil rights being violated in our supposedly "free" country and have a huge problem with Police pulling people over for made up/largely un-enforced violations just so they can see what you are up to.

Officers around here make well into the 6 figures (there was a recent artical titled the "CEO pay of Valley Officers... one of the Officer's in particular made over 178K last year, but 90% were in the 110 to 145 range) because of overtime for court appearances, so they benefit financially "fighting crime" pulling over otherwise law abiding citizens searching for DUI's. I'm against drunk driving so don't get the wrong idea, but if you had a drink or two and get pulled over for a crack in your windshield and get hauled off, I have a problem with that.

Every holiday season there is a "task force", last year they pulled over 30,000 cars, issued 1200 tickets and 800 DUI's. Anyone else have a problem with those numbers? The people having a drink or two are not the one's out running people over yet are carrying the brunt for this particular revenue stream.

When the State as well as the Officer's themselves benefit financially, you can but your ass they will have no discretion what so ever. The Police do a lot of great things and I respect them, but violating civil rights under the guise of safety I have a huge problem with.
67 Short Step, 355, 700R 4.11 posi rear, 4/6 drop Discs on all 4 corners.

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Last edited by whatnow123; 06-07-2008 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 06-07-2008, 05:58 PM   #12
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Originally Posted by Slammed70 View Post
Get inline man, it happens to the best of us. Just ask him next time "Do I smell like alcohol?" and when he says no just say "Good, then the old lady wont know Ive spent all night at the bar."
That or ask him "I bet you drink I was thinking dotcha?"
'67 C-30 Dually Pickup 6.2 Turbo Diesel, NP435
‘72 C-10 SWB , 350 4bbl, TH350
'69 C-10 SWB , 250 L6, 3 OTT
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Old 06-07-2008, 07:44 PM   #13
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Re: "defective exhaust".

I am not as think as you drunk I am.
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Old 06-07-2008, 07:49 PM   #14
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Re: "defective exhaust".

My DD used to be a 66 VW Baja bug chopped off rear exposed motor headers spoke wheels 11-15 swamp tires on the rear. Looked real sick ,but passed R.I. state saftey inspection.The cops didnt believe it tho and I used to get stopped so they could check it over all the time.Once they stop you they usally feel obligated to give you a ticket for something. The rear plate was mounted in such a way on the rear scoop that you could read the letters and numbers and Rhode Island but not where it said "ocean state" on the top.The guy gave me a five day tag,the guys at the inspection station couldnt believe it! Another time I got out of work about 1.30 in the am and was driving my 69 Camaro convertible up the hiway when a Conn state trooper came on a on ramp and got behind me. I saw him and worried he would think I just left a bar due to the time,well it was real windy that night and that ragtop was blowing all over the road like a kite.The cop figured I was drunk ,but he was cool and believed me about the wind when he saw I was all dirty from work and all.I was straight as an arrow but he could have done the subriety search the whole car thing, but he just cut me loose.
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Old 06-07-2008, 08:54 PM   #15
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Next time you get pulled over, call the cop a "Douche Bag", they love that.
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Old 06-08-2008, 12:01 AM   #16
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Originally Posted by fastom View Post
Next time you get pulled over, call the cop a "Douche Bag", they love that.

I bet they do!!
'67 C-30 Dually Pickup 6.2 Turbo Diesel, NP435
‘72 C-10 SWB , 350 4bbl, TH350
'69 C-10 SWB , 250 L6, 3 OTT
'69 GMC C3500, dump truck, 351 V6, NP435
'84 M1009 CUCV Military Blazer

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Old 06-08-2008, 12:35 AM   #17
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Re: "defective exhaust".

Man, I was cruising in my '70, and it just has(had) the lap belt thing that dont work since I put the Ford seat in. I was sitting next to a lady Sheriff at the stoplight one day on my way to work. And I look over and she does the motion like shes putting on and pointing Im thinking she wants me to put my seltbelt on. So in response I played like I had my seat belt on and pointed towards my lap and nodded to her. Well, it didnt occure to my what I just did, but she got the hint and her jaw dropped and she make an illegal right turn and got the hell away from me.
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Old 06-08-2008, 01:06 AM   #18
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Re: "defective exhaust".

I always figured it was the one of the hazzards of driving a modified rig when I drove the 48 on a daily basis. 4 inch chop and front bumper 5 inches off the ground gets their attention.

When I worked the late shift and went home at midnight I found that I got pulled over a few times for "lights". Dim tail lights (since fixed bright white paint in the reflectors and brighter bulbs help). My daily 71 GMC hasn't had a license plate light for over 25 years when my uncle had a buddy modify the bumper with a heavy plate for the hitch. One stater pulled me over a couple of months ago to tell me that my side marker light was out. That one has been bad for over 20 years I think.
I realize getting pulled over for minor things is a pain in the tail feathers but around this area if it will get a few drunks off the roads I and my family drive on so be it.
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