Originally Posted by Billhilly
Unfortunately I don't know what the bellcrank looks like. Fat lot of use I am! Got a picture?
These shot's any better?
Yes those help a lot thank you very much. The bellcrank stud normally threads in here where the arrow is. Your SB400 doesn't have the holes drilled and tapped because SB400's typically didn't come from the factory with manual transmissions. You can see a bit more what it looks like in Burt's pic.
Originally Posted by Burt4x4
When I had a 350 & manual linkage I ran Hedmen. First set was the cheeper ones and after a while they warped and even with two gaskets I could not get them to not leak.
The pic above is Hedmen Elite series = MUCH better, way thick flanges to prevent warping. In the pic above look closly at the frame bracket the Z-bar mounts too. I had to drill a hole just to the right of the factory location to move the Z-bar towards the firewal just a bit. This did not affect the Z-bar's function and my manual linkage worked fine.
I would go with Hedmen Elites, the collectors clear and they tuck up nice and high away from trail obsiticales.
I have a 454 now and run Thorley's with Hydrolic clutch so no linkage to worry about. 
Thank you very much for the pic and the info Burt. The headman book states that these headers may not work with a manual trans. I'm glad to see that it is possible......looks like I'll be getting a set for my '68.