Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
don't stress about it too much, when you go in to get an alignment done, they alignment guy will install the correct amount. Thats the only reason they are there.
+1 The alignment shop will have to add or remove shims at any rate. It is very seldom that one can get things that close to perfect while putting it back together at home. Just clean the shims you have up and put them back in where they go. If you marked each shim pack when you tore the front end down, so much the better. If you are totally anal about having shiny new shims go buy shiny new shims but I can guarantee that 99.9 of the alignment mechanics out there will install used shims unless they don't have that size or you specifically request new shims. Then expect that "oh crap" look from the mechanic.
As a side note, when I was doing alignments daily I kept a hog pan full of shims that I removed from vehicles and used in other vehicles or the other side of the same vehicle. I ordered new shims as I needed them when I was low on certain thicknesses or sizes.