04-10-2003, 08:36 PM
Garage Queen Material
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: USA
Posts: 4,129
Originally posted by PHOENIX
You most likely have an outside bulb blown out.
Check your outside lights.
If your left turn signal indicator is on, that represents a dead bulb on the left side.
If your right turn signal indicator is on, that represents a dead bulb on the right side.
If all your bulbs are working (all functions, brake & signal) then make usre they are the CORRECT bulb (check them to make sure, if they are all working).
If that is not the problem, then I'm not sure what is it.
From the turn signal lever in the column there is a wire harness that travels down the column and then plugs into another hardness above the pedals. Make sure all connections are tight there.
Good Luck!
wow, i did not know that