Well...I went over to the shop to see if they maybe were done with my truck (I dropped it in at 8am) Well..nope, it's up on the lift, with the front end off and all sitting on the ground (springs/arms/spindles/rotors/shocks) I seen that the new shocks were already on the truck (seen em hangin down) From the spindles being on the ground, I assume they're putting them on...but MAN! They COULDN'T have started at 8am! Cuz I mean, I freakin could do that job in 8 hours!! I'll fight like hell if they try to charge me for more than 6 hours! (Originally stated 5 hours, $50 p/h)
BTW: They ARE aligning it too.
They told me it'll be done @ 5 today..then the pics will come rollin in