Originally Posted by hotrod 80
Your Roadmaster LT1 comes with Mahle pistons not Keith Black . They will take the spray .
For your buddies motor i would put a sniper 100-150 or powershot 125 kit on it . They have fixed jet sizes and all he has to do it maintain bottle pressure , ensure proper timing and fuel pressure . Also the motor needs some miles on it . The more breakin miles the wider the ring gap will get . Without knowing the ring gap , i would for sure do a good break in and not spray it til it had say 3-5000 miles on it .
i think hes getting an edlebrock kit than go be adjusted from 50-100 or 50-150, i forget, ether from what you guys are saying, he should be fine with that. and by they way the engine was built and the rings were ground by a professional drag racer whos been building hes own engines for 30 plus years. so the motor is going to be a reliable motor.