Originally Posted by LONGHAIR
I would assume that, when factory equipped, the system would have been designed with higher pressure to the rear
That is my assumption too, but the factory repair manual is very vague on the system layout. Only covers adjustment of the valve...
Originally Posted by liftmeup
Don't waste your time... I can't tell you how many I have thrown out from trucks that could not stop a load because these hung up
That's kinda what I was thinking too. The standard brakes on these (especially with the 3"X3.5" rears) work very well as it is, why mess with it? I'd rather have brakes that will put you through the windshield full time rather than wondering if the valve is doing it's job when loaded. Sounded like a neat idea, so I grabbed the valve and all brackets that day at the yard. Think I'll stick with what works though
Thanks guys, can always count on this site for good advice