My '74 build- "Clifford"
I figured I might as well start a build thread on my '74. My daughter has christened him "Clifford", so I guess that's how it is. I jokingly referred to the red dually I traded for the '74 as Clifford (aka the big red dog), now all red(ish) trucks are Clifford. Hey, she just turned two, so I am happy she loves trucks. I traded Scoti the dually for this '74, so there are a lot of pics floating aronnd. I will take some others as I go, but there isn't really a whole lot of pictureworthy stuff going on just yet. I thought I would chronicle the stuff I am doing, though.
Right now, I have a new heart for him, and am slowly changing the interior from beigeish to black. I also have a tach dash to install, just need to do it. Here are a couple pics of carting the new engine and trans home. I was going to go LS, but found a great deal from a buddy on a TBI 350, so that's the way I am going. Can't wait for the overdrive, too!
1974 Jimmy- 5.3/4L80e/NP241