Originally Posted by too much stuff
Great article. I will say however, i don't think the vacuum gauge was available in the 10-30 series trucks. And i have yet to see a speed warning come out of a big truck. I am not saying it isn't possible, but have never seen it.
Is there a place to purchase any of these old mags? Would need exact months and years, but would be neat to have some of these.
Nice write up, Eric
My Instrument information came from one of the guys who has parted (actually removing them from trucks) and restored more clusters than just about anyone- Gary Kinion. I know that speed warnings were definitely in big trucks and he gave me the info about the vac gauges.
This article ran in the Sept. 2003 issue of Classic Trucks.
The Spotters Guide ran in the October 2003 issue of Classic Trucks.
The Collecting literature story was in the August 2003 issue of Classic Trucks.