Slosh tubz raffle !!
My daughter is going on a PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Ambassador program(to Europe) this summer, in my efforts to try to raise the money for her to go on this Trip of a LIFETIME, i need to raise $7500 !!!!!!! So we have been doing many/many/many fundraisers and raffles, i did a raffle on Facebook for a set of Slosh Tubz and it went very well ! Here are the rules i am selling 30 tickets for $25 a ticket , the winning raffle ticket will be drawn by my daughters youth pastor and on video which we will post on here to announce the winner ! The contestants will go in order in which they say they will take the tickets , on this thread ! I have checked with Liz and i do have her approval to do this , so here it goes !! THIS IS GOOD FOR A SET OF 67-72 TUBZ or a set of the 73-87 TUBZ YOUR CHOICE !!