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Old 05-17-2012, 12:38 PM   #26
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

For Your Reading Pleasure: I have deleted his last name and address and my reply is the one on top. You guys feel free to blast me if I was wrong.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I have bent over backwards helping you with this thing, spending my time, my gas and my money to assist you in getting this truck shipped. First I am going to address a few of your statements.
#1: Cost you an extra $700 for it not running - that is between you and the shipper. Truck ran, however AS I REQUESTED OVER AND OVER AND OVER, YOU DID NOT COORDINATE WITH THE SHIPPER TO ENSURE I WAS HOME WHEN THE TRUCK WAS PICKED UP, in order to start the truck and drive it on the trailer. Also, I asked the driver about the winch specifically. He told me it was unsuable at that current point in time. I will happily refresh his memory of our conversation in the Wal Mart parking lot if he would like. Also, how is it that the $100 tow bill cost you an extra $700? Did it cost him extra while your truck sat stationary on the truck? Did he have to unload and load it 6 more times? Also, the truck ran fine as you saw when you bought it several months ago. I am sorry if the 67 year old pickup truck that you purchased and has been sitting for 3 months didn't start and drive like a new car. Shoulda picked it up sooner. The truck was parked on the curb every single time that the shipping company told me they were coming to pick it up. In fact, there were multiple times that I was out fiddling with the truck to drive it to the curb late at night with the intent to have the truck picked up the next morning. Then your shipper was a no show. Not my fault, but I certainly had to be the one dealing with being up all night with it before I had to be at work only a few hours later, not once, but multiple times. Unfortunately, I can't just leave it out there on the curb, as it would have easily been damaged as they are doing heavy construction in my neighborhood and the concrete trucks and delivery trucks can't make it through. It would have been my fault if your truck got demolished, as well as I LEGALLY have to leave a certain amount of right of way as these are county maintained roads. Can't stay parked out there for 6 weeks.

#2: The box. I don't have it. Don't know what to tell you. Why in the world would I take the time to tell you about the box, take you out there on multiple occasions, go out there myself over and over again, when I planned to keep it for myself the whole time? Get real. I will happily photograph my garage, where ALL my truck parts are, my driveway, etc. to show you there is no bed in there. I am using a late model stepside bed, which IS in my garage, which I already informed you about, and I EVEN OFFERED TO GIVE YOU THAT ONE AT ONE TIME!!, cause I felt bad that I couldn't get up with Sam.

#3: I would LOVE to know which lies you caught me in 3 times. I really would, as I have been honest with you from the start on this thing.

#4: Hood ornament is in a box with all the spare parts that I was going to be nice and just give you such as an HEI distributor and extra carbs, which if you would have had the truck picked up on one of the 17 days I am off every month, which never change, would have made it in the truck. However, you were unable to do that, and it got left behind.

#5: The cheap $10 air cleaner is sitting on the hood of my Jeep, as I had to take it off the carb the night before to pour gas in it to get the truck started, which it did, and ran. It sat for so long waiting for you to come pick it up that the bowl and lines dried out. Sorry it got left, but I was doing all this in the rain and in the dark since your shipper decided to call me and tell me he would be at my house at 11PM, and then never ended up showing up. Had I been there when he picked the truck up like I asked you over and over and over to ensure, it would have been on there no problem. BTW, the air cleaner in the seat is the one that came on that carb, which I believe to be original to that truck. So there is your original 1955 air cleaner. That's what was on there when I got it. Only reason it was on the seat is that it didn't fit in the parts box.

#6: I read back through my Craigslist ad (yeah, I have a copy too), and nowhere in there does it say a clear title IN MY NAME. It says a clear title, which I offered you. It was an open title, which the seller of the truck signed over on the back. You could have just as easily gone to the DMV and had it titled in your name, but no. You wanted me to waste my time doing it, which ended up costing $200 out of my pocket. $200 of which you stated to me on the phone at that time, that you weren't going to make me bear the full cost of. In fact, if I remember correctly, your exact words were, "well, I could be a jerk about it, but I'm not going to...." thanks a lot there bud. Your email proves that you evidently were going to.

All that said, if you want me to ship the parts to you, I will happily do so. I will also be sending you the cost to ship them, and will be awaiting payment. If you really want to be rude about things, the state of South Carolina allows $35 a day storage fees for vehicles abandoned.....x roughly 90 days, I am sure you can do the math. That plus the $200 for titling at YOUR request, need I keep going? Please feel free to make the check payable to me, or I can give you the address to my paypal account. By the way, had your email not come across so rudely (which I would have expected differently from a fellow law enforcement officer), this would have gone completely differently. How about a thanks Dan for all of your help. For storing my truck for me. For spending days of your precious time off which you could be spending with your family, at the DMV or trying to track down a truck bed for me. Thanks for staying up till 1am when you had to be up at 5am trying to get my truck ready for the shipper which never showed up...not once, but three times. You are welcome. Don't choke on any nails.
----- Original Message -----
From: peter
To: dan
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 11:32 AM
Subject: RE: Truck title

I have the truck finally . WOW !!!!! Feel like we've been physically and mentally accosted . Cost an extra $700. because it wouldn't run like it did when I bought it , and you didn't have it at the curb like you said , so it could have been winched onto the truck , and cost me an extra $100. for the tow truck to load it ; you not only didn't get the box for me ( which Sam said you did , and I believe you are keeping it for yourself ) which I paid for I might add , and I caught you in 3 lies in the process .; you kept the hood ornament which we agreed upon and I put it on the floor of the truck and we discussed ; even kept the chrome air cleaner off the carb that was there when I tried it out , and you left an incorrect air cleaner on the seat ,,,,, I am so pissed right now that I could bite the head off a nail . Anxiously awaiting your response and thought I could have full trust in a fellow law enforcement officer . I really believed you to be a great guy and on the same wavelength .( guess I should have know after learning you didn't have clear title in your name as the Craigs List ad said , of which I have a printout . Again I say WOW !!! Please ship the said goods and my $150. to Peter
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Old 05-17-2012, 12:38 PM   #27
Catchy title goes here..
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

I would send him a bill for storage fees, all costs incurred by you etc. Explain that although you have the items boxed and ready to go, there will be a (fill in the blank) fee at this point. That you had planned on waving the fee, but with his latest mail had decided against that..
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Old 05-17-2012, 12:39 PM   #28
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

or what you already did lol.. yes I agree with you
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Old 05-17-2012, 12:40 PM   #29
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Smash the stuff flat and mail it to him in box.
Retired and too busy to work.
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Old 05-17-2012, 12:42 PM   #30
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

HA! ok oldcouple, that made me laugh out loud, the thought of him opening a box of smashed metal parts. HOWEVER, I would hate to do that to good parts that someone else on here could use. I will however say, I am going to give them all away for free to anyone on here that wants them at the end of next week (as long as they pay for shipping), provided he has not sent me $$ for shipping (which I doubt).
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Old 05-17-2012, 12:49 PM   #31
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

I came here this morning to say I may have been a "little" harsh, but that my dealings over 45 years buying and selling have proven that in most cases being nice does not pay off.

Seeing what happened I would tell the guy to pound sand. You bent over figuratively and financially to make him happy. You could have just parked it at the curb (its his property not yours) and let the neighborhood hoodlums strip it and the shipper deal with the remainders (I cannot believe a professional shipper does not know how to start an old truck. Must are trained to start old vehicles even with out a key, I can do it in 30 seconds or less). Or put it an independent storage facility and let the buyer deal with it.

The guy is a low baller, trying to bully you, screw-em. If he wouldn't spend the money to do the transaction right, he probably doesn't have the money to come visit or sue you.
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Old 05-17-2012, 01:53 PM   #32
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

So....if you have parts in the box that remain unclaimed. I am curious about the carbs. What type of carbs are they? I am always looking for Rochester 1B's for a 235 6 cylinder to purchase. Based on your comments of what is in the box.. I am expecting it to be some v8 carbs... Q-jets are good for me too.

Not looking for a "freebie", but might be interested in old carbs....

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Old 05-17-2012, 02:35 PM   #33
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

If it was a $20,000 truck but really don't think I would bother with him and his bad attitude, you tried hard overall from the start and he apparentially wasn't working with you, keep the aircleaner, your reward, carma baby. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 05-17-2012, 09:37 PM   #34
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Heck NO! Don't send the guy anything at your expense! Enough is enough. It is unfortunate that the shipping didn't take place quickly and as a result, parts were left behind. It is NOT the sellers responsibility to see that everything is received by the buyer. It is the BUYERS, and at his expense also! I just hate that you were out $200 putting what was already a clear title in your name just to please this guy. That is unfortunate.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:00 PM   #35
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

I completely understand where you are coming from. What is that cliche about honey gets your farther than vinegar. Long story short, you could send that guy the moon and he still would not be happy. If you end up sending him the parts on your dime, he is still going to be pissed, but tout to his friends about how he had to rough talk you to get you to send him the parts. You did MORE than enough for the $1200 truck. I understand there are two sides to every story, but seriously, cut communication with the gentleman. He will leave you alone. I seriously doubt he is going to drive/fly to SC to sue you or confront you. It's really easy to be a rough guy through the Internet. Save yourself the blood pressure and headache and just block his email address. All you are going to do is upset yourself and your family if you keep talking to this fool. Remember the saying 'No good deed goes unpunished.' The world needs more people like you Dan. Brush it off, you learned something from it and life goes on.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:03 PM   #36
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Send him a couple pounds of nails,freight collect!!
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:07 PM   #37
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

I do have a FedEX account and we get pretty killer rates because we ship so much. I would be willing to help ship something out to him (say.... a box of dead fish or dog crap). Just saying....

But then again, what goes around, comes around. Kill him with kindness.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:28 PM   #38
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

FYI. Having a clear title means that it IS in your name. Other wise it is encumbered by a third party whose name is on the title. You have no legal rights to sell a truck owned by a third person. I hope you at least kept a bill of sale from the guy you got it from. The buyer has you by the short ones if he pursues it. Ship his parts and be done with it.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:32 PM   #39
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Originally Posted by dwcsr View Post
FYI. Having a clear title means that it IS in your name. Other wise it is encumbered by a third party whose name is on the title. You have no legal rights to sell a truck owned by a third person. I hope you at least kept a bill of sale from the guy you got it from. The buyer has you by the short ones if he pursues it. Ship his parts and be done with it.
The buyer doesn't have him by anything. After the buyer requested it the seller spent $200 having the title put into his name. There is no title issue. There is nothing for the buyer to pursue as far as the title goes.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:42 PM   #40
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Originally Posted by 71swb4x4 View Post
The buyer doesn't have him by anything. After the buyer requested it the seller spent $200 having the title put into his name. There is no title issue. There is nothing for the buyer to pursue as far as the title goes.
Missed that in the fray of it all.
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Old 05-18-2012, 10:29 AM   #41
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

sit back and have a cold beverage, relax if you have done everything above board then tell the hoser to go away! i sold a vehicle to a guy he flys in looks at it then sends me a $1,500 non-refundable deposit. after i wait 10 days as agreed he calls and says his wife says no on purchase and wan't his deposit back, HA! then starts sending me threats on my email which was a laugh until he mentioned "i know where your son lives" HUGE mistake and he ended up regreting that!
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Old 05-18-2012, 10:43 AM   #42
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Next time do like me I don't sell any parts or vehicles outside USA sorry Canadian friends, but after 911 these are the problems we encounter in a world we live in.

Last edited by Rude Dude; 05-18-2012 at 10:45 AM. Reason: speelling
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Old 05-18-2012, 11:11 AM   #43
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

I assure you that not all Canadians are jerks (I had more colorful adjectives in mind.. but this is a the web after all...). I have made my fair share of cross border deals and I'm normally the one doing the bending over 'cause i know it's a pain to do any cross border stuff. nthe way i look at it is, if I'm doing the buying, it's because i want it, hence i should be doing the leg work and incurring any additional expenses.

Sorry about your having to deal with this turd.
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Old 05-19-2012, 08:21 PM   #44
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Eh, it's all good. All is said and done with. He did send me a much nicer email in response to my reply:

I will certainly chalk this one up to experience .Regretably I couldn't arrange for shipping until the 3 weeks it took for clear title in your name as We both agreed should be done . Would you consider sending the hood ornament out of the cash I left you . It would prob make us both a bit happy to wash our hands with the rest of the issues as each coin has 2 sides . I would love to come see how your new project is progressing next winter , but not if I have worn out my welcome . Thanks / Peter

Still debating on sending him the hood ornament. Just figured I would post this up as the closer. Either way, I don't plan on speaking with him again. If I send it, it will just go in a box to him, no further contact. I am no longer worrying myself with any of this, and have moved on and made some ok progress on my new project. Can't wait to get some time after bike week to work on it some more! I have all 12 hour days until next (not this coming) Monday, dealing with the crazies on the motorcycles.
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Old 05-19-2012, 08:50 PM   #45
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Just remember we never know the whole story on someone elses life, they my not be well or experianced a loss or whatever, no excuse for rudeness but sometimes a reason. Look for the good and really,,it is only a hood ornament. is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 05-19-2012, 10:05 PM   #46
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

What goes around comes around. I would send the hood ornament, he has certainly asked nicely.

It seems that he was very emotional in his first email, and after your response it has soaked in and he understands that he maybe went a little overboard. Send him the hood ornament in a flat rate box if they go to Canada, and add whatever else he wanted that will fit without costing you more.
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Old 05-19-2012, 10:46 PM   #47
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Aaaah, a Law Enforcement Officer from should have said that from the beginning. Some of them can be hard to work with and the rest I wouldn`t want to work with at all! "Attitude" is one word I`d use to describe the majority of them.
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Old 05-20-2012, 12:05 AM   #48
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Dan you do what you want to do with this,its your choice not what we on the forum want. You have bent over backwards for this guy,and in my opinion you have done everything right on this transaction I for one appreciate the way you handled this. Best of luck on your new project,look forward to seeing your progress and some pictures. sabre67 out
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