Recently there have been several complaints of folks "hogging" the parts boards. This is just a gentle reminder to be considerate of others. Excessive use of TTT causes a majority of these complaints. Folks have also been reporting major individual listings.
If you can post several items in one thread, please do so. If it is to confusing to you to do so, then by all means break it up a bit. However, listing every nut and bolt separate probably is a bit much
If you have items for sale, and they fall off the first page.. give it a few. Most folks do look beyond page one. If you don't get the response you anticipated try to ttt it. If you have to ttt it several times, then you may want to review the ad and see why it may not be getting the attention it deserves. Feel free to report your old ad, ask the staff to close it and start a new one.
This is not pointed at anyone, and is just a reminder to please be considerate of the other sellers.