Originally Posted by jocko
yep, i'm pretty tickled it still had that on it. Don't think I'll be ordering any sport bumpers any time soon - kinda like the boat anchor look.
I had a bumper that looks identical to that put on by the Chevy dealer when I bought my truck. The one I have telescopes so it can be extended up to 3 feet to be used with a camper that extends beyond the end of the bed and serves as a step to enter the camper as well as a bumper. Guess that's why they're called step bumpers, huh? It's on the sales contract as "Span-O-Matic bumper". Over the years I modified it to work on an 86 Chevy dually and a 99 Ford. I still have it but it hasn't been used in 12 years when I bought a camper with a built in bumper/step. I wonder if yours also telescopes.