Originally Posted by Russell Ashley
My truck will be used for some light hauling too so I'm not even thinking of making it into a show toy. I haven't bought any POR-15 or any other expensive paint for it other than a couple of quarts of enamel that I had matched to the interior and exterior so I could touch up where I had welded in patch panels. My frame and anything else that's black on my truck is Rustoleum. One exception: The engine block is black but that's engine paint from Pep Boys. I never tried adding hardener to Rustoleum so can't say what that might do, but I don't think you need it as Rusto is tough just like it comes.
Russ, Thanks.
I DID buy a quart of KBS rust preventative thatI intend to use inside the cab as my roof underside is borderline crusty rust. I didn't buy the whole "prep kit" they sell though. So I intend to sand off the rust, treat it with Ospho, and a final wipe down with acetone, let dry well and slather that crap on.; Hopefully it'll stop the rust in its tracks. While I was online I also bought a little pint can of KBS' engine paint in Chevy orange but I haven't used it yet. I probably should have and just used rattle can orange.
Unrelated to the truck, I bought some Rustoleum hammertone gray to use on a structural steel frame I put in my garage. That stuff ROCKS! I did NOTHING to prep the steel, just wiped off dust (it already had some kinda paint on it). I rolled it on with a 3" foam roller.
I re-coated per the label in 5 or 7 days, whatever it said. That stuff is rock hard and has a very very nice appearance in my opinion. Hides a wealth of sins. I've even considered using it on my frame in black or silver.