Originally Posted by STPrider
As for the trailing arms themselves, they are much more than a stock replacement. I didnt weigh mine either, but I would say they were equal or more weight than stock.
Thank you! So you wouldn't mind pulling yours off and grabbing a fish scale to compare the two would you? lol...just kidding.
Originally Posted by lolife99
The "Vertical Row" of holes in the trailing arm crossmember was to help adjust pinion angle of the rearend.
There are two versions:
First picture is the 2-piece driveshaft verson.
Second picture is for a 1-piece driveshaft.
Yeah, I had read that description on their website but didn't know what 'instant center' was. But I also stared at those two pictures for 25 minutes and never noticed the difference, lol.
It makes sense (from what I have read) that the two piece driveshaft version would have the flat lower tube and that base plate to rest on the ground.
What exactly is instant center? I'm assuming it has something to do with the pinion angle from your post?
Thank you, Sir!
Originally Posted by Pro Performance
My apologies on the adjustable trac bar description, I completely mis-read that! lol. I have no idea why I instantly thought adjustable trac bar. Anyhow, glad the description got posted though.
No apologizes necessary, It was good information. I would have opened the trac-bar box and immediately started a new thread about those holes, ha.