Originally Posted by 79 silverado
That's what I used to say for the first year or two I lived down here after spending most of my life all over New England. Then it hit me, there are two problems down here that are amplified by the majority of people not knowing how to handle the snow:
1) They have no spreader trucks. This means there is no salt/sand/gravel mixed into the snow/slush on the road.
2) There is a very high population density with TONS of cars. What happens is they churn and mash the snow up so it no longer sticks in the treads/siping of the tires for grip, then because they don't understand how to drive on the slush, they let it FREEZE because nobody is keeping moving.
When you cite to issue number one, what you wind up with is a solid sheet of ice with nothing to grip to on any of the roads. At least up north, you are driving on snow/packed snow with some abrasive sand/salt/gravel mixed in. Here, once the temp drops, its like driving across a skating rink. Then they get to the next problem, which is nothing to treat and help it melt, or keep what does melt from re-freezing. !
EXACTLY what I have been telling both my friends back in VT and the indignant Southerners who I offend. One guy said "It's worse here...we have ICE!" I said "last time I checked the stuff falling out of the sky is snow, it turns to ice because of the #1 problem...the PEOPLE.