Originally Posted by Keith Seymore
Patience, grasshopper.
I think you could do it.
The fear with rear gears stems mostly from ring & pinion swaps and setup. It's not rocket science but you have to know what you are doing and easier explained in person.
In your case you will be removing the diff carrier, swapping the spider gears and going right back together in the same configuration. You should be ok as long as you don't drop or move any of the carrier shims and go back together the same way it came apart.
The spider gears are "rolled" out and then back in position using the differential action but you should be able to figure it out once you have the parts in hand.
just wanted to keep ya posted a bit, but yesterday i was able to get everything out, i took forever cleaning out the rear housing, and but the time i was able to get the rear dif it was getting dark and what not, but taking my time gathering thought and advice definitely made this easier so far...so far haha...after i get my coffee in my I'm going to give it a go and get it done...would have been a little farther but the very first bolt i went to take out was broken and the only way to get it out was cutting up the old dif oh well