Originally Posted by bama63
http://ubmachine.com/monoballhousings.html (scroll to bottom) been using these over 20 years with out any failures in late model dirt oval racing, the hi misalignment monoballs can be put in some very severe angle with out problems. hope this helps
I don't doubt their effectiveness in properly designed applications at all but I do think in the air-ride scene some folks may be pushing the limits of these joints past their intended range of motion for the sake of another inch of lift or to fit the next largest size of wheels. A properly designed suspension might use another form of range of motion limitation like a limiting strap or shock/strut internal bumpstops instead of a maxed out joint. The individual skill level of each different builder may come into play.
It would seem in my mind that whether it is a uniball or regular balljoint, if you have the joint itself maxed out and then drive over say a large bump or crack it would only be a matter of time before the joint would become wallowed out to the point of failure, which one would last longer is determined by the design.
(disclaimer: I am no suspension expert or design guru, just some joe with an opinion.)