Driving home last night on the freeway I had some guy on my rear bumper, I coudnt see what he was driving because my rear view mirror fell off afew days ago and all I could see out the side mirror was his front turn signal and the side of his truck,the speed limit was only 55,I was doing 65,I then went to 70 then 75 then 80 then I looked in the mirror and he wasnt there so I looked out the passenger side window and there he was next to me, a 55 year old guy driving a f*rd lightning,I think he wanted to race but I just waived him on by,the old chevy was not going beat that factory hot rod.
Now I need to save money and get something that will give that lightning a good run

I just opened a saving account today just for that pupose,I call it the lightning killer account ,I put $400 in it and will be putting $100 in it every other week on my paydays so in a few years i should be able to put together a badass truck,it don't have to be purdy but it's going to be fast
