After pulling the TH400 I figured I'd be kicking myself if I didn't have it rebuilt. I picked it up yesterday and had a long chat with the guy. He told me several of the same things flex plate, bolts etc. Talked to him about the drive line issue how the donor one bolted up differently from my existing and how I'd most likely have to get one custom made. Turns out he can do the drive line work as well. He's been doing transmission work for over 50 years. He came highly recommended when I asked around. He works out of his house, and has a shop to die for! He doesn't do any of the pulling or installing, just 74 yrs old, can you blame him? He also gave me a suggestion on the kick down issue and how I could easily wire in my own switch. He then told me if I got into a bind and needed help he could come take a look. This guy was a great find. I learned everything I know on knuckle busting automotive mechanic work from my dad and a close family friend (JD) who was a mechanic. JD passed away about 4 months prior to my dad, so I no longer have those go to guys for automotive stuff. Taking on this project I'm sure will test my abilities, but between this awesome website and the transmission guy, I'm sure I'll get it done!! I'm sure it won't be as quickly as JD and dad would have taken!!