Re: The old spruce moose build
I have really been slacking on this.. Too much work..
So all those front end parts i bought were almost useless except for the warn hubs and U joints. When i took the hubs off the wheel bearings were brand new. Grease wasnt even discolored. So i put both u joints in and the new warn hubs and called it that. Pretty easy job minus chiseling the spindle for an hour.
Started at the Add a leafs today. Didnt go so well. Got the driver side all apart and oh would ya look at that. Main leaf spring split right in two at the center pin.. Damn it.
Called the wrecker yard that is good to me and theyre pulling all 4 leaf packs off of a 1984 GMC wrangler 4x4. 4 front and back almost rust free leaf packs for $250. cant beat that id say.
So im going to get those leafs strip them down, paint them and install with the add a leafs then throw it all back together again.